Building Construction

As you may have heard, due to escalating cost of construction, the original plans for our new school building far exceeded the district's resources allocated for this project.  Last spring, we met with the community and project committee members to discuss other options to ensure the district is able to utilize funds generated by the $10 million bond passed by the district in 2018.   

The recommendation presented and approved by the board based on educational partner input was to build 7 classrooms (3 kinder classrooms and 4 regular classrooms) to be located where the existing portables housing Kinder and First grade are currently housed.  The main building housing the office and classrooms will not be demolished; any funds remaining from the project would be used to refresh/remodel the building.  We anticipate that remaining funds will allow mainly cosmetic upgrades and minor, if any, structural changes. 

The new classrooms will be a two story structure taking into account the aesthetics of existing buildings on campus.  Anticipated start date for construction is Summer of 2024.  CFW will continue to help manage and shepherd the project through the approval processes required by the state as well as construction of the building.