Luther Burbank will partner again with Jose Valdez Math Institute to provide intensive math support for rising 3rd-to 8th grade students this summer. Students who participated in the 6 week summer program rode the bus from our school to the West Valley Community College campus. Students were met by program staff and escorted to their classroom. Students engaged in hands-on math lessons throughout the day by certificated teachers and several teaching assistants specially trained by the Valdez Institute. Students enjoyed the summer sunshine while eating their district provided lunch and enjoyed fun and games in the program's dedicated courtyard lawn space. To recognize the students' dedication and hard work, students celebrated with a special outing to Great America. We are proud of the students who participated and made great growth in their math skills last year!
Our goal is to sponsor 60 students grades 3-8 for the summer of 2024. The Valdez Institute and District will underwrite the tuition fee for Luther Burbank students. These programs will be FREE and no cost to families. Families and students must commit to attending all sessions of the summer program.
Two programs are available to Luther Burbank School District Students:
1)The José Valdés Math Institute Academy Program has been established to help families whose children are struggling in math. The Academy Program is intended to serve students who are one or more grade levels behind in their overall math skills. Six weeks of instruction will be provided to rising 3rd to 8th grade students. The curriculum is designed to support their effort to regain their math skills, and the goal is to have students improve at least one grade level by the end of the six-week program. This is not watered-down math, but rather a rigorous program intended to enable every student to achieve success. We conduct our program on a college or university campus to inspire them and to make them aware that they too can attend college.
For more information please visit:
2)The José Valdés Math Institute™ Enrichment Program is primarily geared toward students who are proficient in mathematics and who are currently in the 5th, 6th, or 7th grade. The Enrichment Program is designed to increase math skill levels and to prepare students for taking accelerated, more complex STEM courses before graduation from high school. The enrichment program will be held on the San Jose State University campus. Tuition for the 2024 Summer Program is $1,475 per student and will be waived for Luther Burbank students! This program will be FREE and no cost to Luther Burbank Families.
For more information please visit:
I encourage you to make the commitment to help your child achieve mathematical excellence by registering for this institute!